- Bryah Resources (ASX:BYH) reports 31.3 million tonne nickel-copper-cobalt Mineral Resource at the Australian Vanadium Project (appended).
- Bryah holds a suite of mineral rights including nickel, copper and gold over the Australian Vanadium Project at Gabanintha.
- AVL holds the mineral rights to vanadium, titanium, iron and cobalt and is a major shareholder (7.14%) of Bryah.
- Metallurgical testwork undertaken during AVL’s feasibility study showed the nickel, copper, cobalt and gold present in the non-magnetic tail after separation of the vanadium-titanium-magnetite concentrate, can be processed to produce a base metal concentrate.
Bryah Resources Reports 31.3Mt Nickel-Copper-Cobalt Mineral Resource at the Australian Vanadium Project
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