Yellow Rock Resources has been busy with a run of positive activity prompting significant media interest.
At the start of June the company released its final set of RC drilling results from the Gabanintha Project, which returned intersections of up to 2.15% V205. At the time, these were the highest grades ever found at the project.
The positive results kept coming in with our diamond drilling results boosting our confidence even more with the discovery of grades at 2.20% V205.
The results are better than what Yellow Rock had anticipated and underpin the company’s positive progression towards a final investment decision.
Our main focus currently is completing a mine study and metallurgical testing which will give our results even more integrity. Based on what we’ve found at Gabanintha, we’re also expecting to be able to update the resource in coming weeks with high likelihood of an increase.
During all of this activity chief executive Vincent Algar has been busy with a range of media interviews both in Australia and internationally. All have been intrigued by the company’s unique approach targeting the renewable energy market.
London-based Mining Journal caught up with Vince during a recent trip to Europe to discuss our plans to play a role in the battery storage revolution.
While vanadium’s primary use is as a steel additive, Yellow Rock Resources sees the potential in energy storage. Vanadium redox batteries could capture as much as 30% of the energy storage market by 2020.
While in the UK, Vince attended the annual International Flow Battery Forum Conference. Vince said that, during the conference, it was clear vanadium batteries would dominate the commercial implementation of flow battery technology due to their unique characteristics and safety features.
Perth-based Business News has also picked up the growing interest in battery storage amid the renewable energy space, specifically within the mining industry itself. As a result, Yellow Rock was featured in Business News with Vince speaking about Yellow Rock’s plans to incorporate battery storage at Gabanintha once the project comes into production.
At the start of July Yellow Rock was pleased to undertake an interview with BRR media about its recent successes, which can be listened to here.
The company has also recently spoken with other media outlets and is eagerly awaiting further media articles in the near future.