AVL’s vanadium roast pilot to be undertaken at Metso’s Danville, Pennsylvania facilities in the USA.
Key Points:
- DFS bench-scale pelletised roasting tests have shown a substantial increase in vanadium extraction, averaging 95.4% compared to standard rotary kiln extractions of 85-88% considered in the PFS.
- The Metso Grate Kiln is an efficient, low risk and proven technology for pelletising iron ore in global use that can be adapted for salt roasting.
- The pyrometallurgical roasting process uses a travelling grate and dramatically improves processing efficiency.
- The proposed use of pelletised roasting technology distinguishes AVL and offers significant benefits to the project.
- Pilot testing will commence in October at Metso’s pyrometallurgical testing facilities in the USA upon completion of the magnetic concentrate pilot in Perth.
World-Leading Kiln Supplier to Conduct Vanadium Pilot Roast Work for AVL
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