Significant 1,900 metre long electromagnetic conductor at Coates highlights exploration potential
- Three conductors identified by SkyTEM Airborne Electromagnetics (AEM) survey at Coates, with the largest having a strike length of 1,900 metres
- Coherent 1,900m long bedrock conductor (T2) present to the northeast and parallel to the Coates magnetite gabbro
- No drilling has been completed in the T2 area, along a magnetic high and topographic low interpreted by AVL to be a serpentinised ultramafic unit, an ideal host for Ni-PGE mineralisation
- Two additional lower tenor bedrock conductors (T4 and T6) also identified in the south of the tenement area
- AVL is exploring for nickel, base metals, gold and platinum group elements (PGEs) at its Coates Project near Wundowie 80km NE of Perth in WA
- The Project covers a southern extension of similar mafic-ultramafic rocks to the sequence that is host to the Chalice Gold Mines’ nickel-copper-PGE Julimar Project (ASX:CHN) 29 km NNW of Coates
- Priority follow up work planned with EIS funded drilling program in Q4 of 2021 – location of 1,900m long conductor supports drill program design
Electromagnetic Conductors at Coates Nickel-Copper-PGE-Project
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