- Metallurgical diamond drilling program for collection of pilot processing test material advancing ahead of schedule
- Controlled drilling has collected over 17 tonnes of massive magnetite, utilising 1,227m of drilled core and providing significant time and cost savings
- Nine tonnes of the planned thirty tonnes of sample has arrived in Perth for processing
- Program is focused on development area in northern 2km of total 11.5km of AVL held deposit strike
- Drilling confirming detailed geological model, proving depth extension and deposit thickness
- New data to include resource extension drilling in southern area of PFS pit development area
- Mineral Resource upgrade to follow the end of drilling, expected April 2019
- Pilot metallurgical test program to commence in April 2019
- Other DFS engineering and environmental approvals ongoing
- Revised Project timeline targeting 2021 production start, subject to finance
Drilling Update from AVL’s Vanadium Project
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