Unique processing route to be protected by patent application
- AVL submits unique vanadium processing flowsheet provisional patent application.
- The processing circuit is at the core of AVL’s ongoing BFS engineering study as part of the Company’s plans to develop the Australian Vanadium Project at Gabanintha, in Western Australia.
- Recognition sought to protect process innovations developed by AVL in the development of its vanadium project.
- The patent will be recognised across 177 countries through the Patent Convention.
- Application relates to a specific method of preparing high purity vanadium pentoxide and preparing a marketable titanium and iron coproduct from vanadium bearing titanomagnetite (VTM), in a cost effective and environmentally sustainable manner.
- AVL’s unique combination of physical beneficiation, pyrometallurgical and hydrometallurgical steps combine to underline the patent application.
- The patent application process has no effect on the BFS timeline.
AVL Lodges Patent Application for Vanadium Processing Circuit
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